Officers Report Dallas Area Local
Jonathan Cage-Exe. Vice President
Hello APWU Members.
We are in the final stages of an election year. I encourage you to do whatever you can to support and assist with our voting privilege. Voting continues to be an earned right that many are still paying for with their lives.
At the Dallas Local we have been meeting with management for LMOU negotiations. With each new contractual ratification opportunity opens a new negotiate for the LMOU. Minor changes and clarifications have been made to each LMOU. After completion they will be printed and provided to their respective locations.
Limited/Light Duty:
Some employees have experienced difficult times when it comes to limited or light duty work assignments. Management has been playing games with these individuals, by claiming no work is available. When the employee files for OWCP (for limited), management is challenging the claim for OWCP compensation by charging the individual refused to work and left the job on their own merits. For individuals on light duty, when management claims no work available, your compensation comes from your earned leave. If you do not have any earned leave you are in an LWOP status. If you are placed within this situation you should request management document in writing that no work is available for you. You should request a Union steward. If one is not provided, you should contact the Union office and notify the Union what has happened. If you are in Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status as a result of the accepted condition(s) on your claim, you need to file a CA-7 "Claim for Compensation" with your agency.
If the period claimed on the CA-7 is intermittent, you need also to complete a CA-7a "Time
Analysis Form"
Light Duty – is an off-the-job illness or injury.
Limited Duty – is an on-the-job illness or injury.
On the basis it has been established you are a limited/light duty employee the Service has an obligation to commit every effort assign/reassign an employee for work within their craft or occupational group based on their doctors identified limitations.
Section 4: General Policy Procedures
A. Every effort shall be made to reassign the concerned employee within the employee’s present craft or occupational group, even if such assignment reduces the number of hours of work for the PSEs. After all efforts are exhausted in this area, consideration will be given to reassignment to another craft or occupational group within the same installation.
B. The full-time regular or part-time flexible employee must be able to meet the qualifications of the position to which the employee is reassigned on a permanent basis. On a temporary reassignment, qualifications can be modified provided excessive hours are not used in the operation.
C. The reassignment of a full-time regular or part-time flexible employee to a temporary or permanent light duty or other assignment shall not be made to the detriment of any full-time regular on a scheduled assignment or give a reassigned part-time flexible preference over other part-time flexible employees.
D. The reassignment of a full-time regular or part-time flexible employee under the provisions of this Article to an agreed-upon light duty temporary or permanent or other assignment within the office, such as type of assignment, area of assignment, hours of duty, etc., will be the decision of the installation head who will be guided by the examining physician’s report, employee’s ability to reach the place of employment and ability to perform the duties involved.
E. An additional full-time regular position can be authorized within the craft or occupational group to which the employee is being reassigned, if the additional position can be established out of the part-time hours being used in that operation without increasing the overall hour usage. If this cannot be accomplished, then consideration will be given to reassignment to an existing vacancy.
What can an employee do if his or her supervisor refuses to accept a notice of injury, illness or death?
The employee should notify OWCP of the refusal. Federal law provides in 18 U.S.C. 1922 that: Whoever, being an officer or employee of the United States charged with the responsibility for making
the reports of the immediate superior specified by section 8120 of title 5, willfully fails, neglects, or refuses to make any of the reports, or knowingly files a false report, or induces, compels, or directs an injured employee to forego filing of any claim for compensation or other benefits provided under subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5 or any extension or application thereof, or willfully retains any notice, report, claim, or paper which is required to be filed under that subchapter or any extension or application thereof, or regulations prescribed there under, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
The object of APWU organization is to assist the National organization in an honorable and legal manner, in its efforts to secure legislation, improve working conditions of all postal employees, to promote good fellowship among its members, assist in all possible means in promoting efficiency in the Postal Service, and to protect the rights of all postal workers (Article 2 Constitution and Bylaws).
most recently Postal employees have been introduces to hostile work environments. If you find yourself in this situation please notify your supervisor’s boss (Postmaster, Manager, and Area or Plant manager) request to see a steward immediately. You have to put Postal management on notice or they will play I was unaware card on you and/or your steward. Do not be baited in to being the identified hostile individual. When you request your steward, put the supervisor/manager on notice you feel they are creating a hostile work environment.
at any given time APWU is involved with a number of drives or activities to improve work relations or supporting sister unions with their struggles. During the Stop Staples movement the Teachers Union was a great deal of help to Postal workers across the country by boycotting and picketing with postal workers. So if you are interested and getting involved with any drives or showing support you can contact me at 214 631- 3162 APWU Union Hall.
It is crucial as an employee to know your rights and to properly invoke those rights. Union jobs remain under attack due to the rights employees are contractually obligated. Do not let work to right laws undermine what is rightfully yours through blood, sweat and tears.
If APWU has your email on record you will see or receive updates weekly on local issues.
Hello APWU Members.
We are in the final stages of an election year. I encourage you to do whatever you can to support and assist with our voting privilege. Voting continues to be an earned right that many are still paying for with their lives.
At the Dallas Local we have been meeting with management for LMOU negotiations. With each new contractual ratification opportunity opens a new negotiate for the LMOU. Minor changes and clarifications have been made to each LMOU. After completion they will be printed and provided to their respective locations.
Limited/Light Duty:
Some employees have experienced difficult times when it comes to limited or light duty work assignments. Management has been playing games with these individuals, by claiming no work is available. When the employee files for OWCP (for limited), management is challenging the claim for OWCP compensation by charging the individual refused to work and left the job on their own merits. For individuals on light duty, when management claims no work available, your compensation comes from your earned leave. If you do not have any earned leave you are in an LWOP status. If you are placed within this situation you should request management document in writing that no work is available for you. You should request a Union steward. If one is not provided, you should contact the Union office and notify the Union what has happened. If you are in Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status as a result of the accepted condition(s) on your claim, you need to file a CA-7 "Claim for Compensation" with your agency.
If the period claimed on the CA-7 is intermittent, you need also to complete a CA-7a "Time
Analysis Form"
Light Duty – is an off-the-job illness or injury.
Limited Duty – is an on-the-job illness or injury.
On the basis it has been established you are a limited/light duty employee the Service has an obligation to commit every effort assign/reassign an employee for work within their craft or occupational group based on their doctors identified limitations.
Section 4: General Policy Procedures
A. Every effort shall be made to reassign the concerned employee within the employee’s present craft or occupational group, even if such assignment reduces the number of hours of work for the PSEs. After all efforts are exhausted in this area, consideration will be given to reassignment to another craft or occupational group within the same installation.
B. The full-time regular or part-time flexible employee must be able to meet the qualifications of the position to which the employee is reassigned on a permanent basis. On a temporary reassignment, qualifications can be modified provided excessive hours are not used in the operation.
C. The reassignment of a full-time regular or part-time flexible employee to a temporary or permanent light duty or other assignment shall not be made to the detriment of any full-time regular on a scheduled assignment or give a reassigned part-time flexible preference over other part-time flexible employees.
D. The reassignment of a full-time regular or part-time flexible employee under the provisions of this Article to an agreed-upon light duty temporary or permanent or other assignment within the office, such as type of assignment, area of assignment, hours of duty, etc., will be the decision of the installation head who will be guided by the examining physician’s report, employee’s ability to reach the place of employment and ability to perform the duties involved.
E. An additional full-time regular position can be authorized within the craft or occupational group to which the employee is being reassigned, if the additional position can be established out of the part-time hours being used in that operation without increasing the overall hour usage. If this cannot be accomplished, then consideration will be given to reassignment to an existing vacancy.
What can an employee do if his or her supervisor refuses to accept a notice of injury, illness or death?
The employee should notify OWCP of the refusal. Federal law provides in 18 U.S.C. 1922 that: Whoever, being an officer or employee of the United States charged with the responsibility for making
the reports of the immediate superior specified by section 8120 of title 5, willfully fails, neglects, or refuses to make any of the reports, or knowingly files a false report, or induces, compels, or directs an injured employee to forego filing of any claim for compensation or other benefits provided under subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5 or any extension or application thereof, or willfully retains any notice, report, claim, or paper which is required to be filed under that subchapter or any extension or application thereof, or regulations prescribed there under, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
The object of APWU organization is to assist the National organization in an honorable and legal manner, in its efforts to secure legislation, improve working conditions of all postal employees, to promote good fellowship among its members, assist in all possible means in promoting efficiency in the Postal Service, and to protect the rights of all postal workers (Article 2 Constitution and Bylaws).
most recently Postal employees have been introduces to hostile work environments. If you find yourself in this situation please notify your supervisor’s boss (Postmaster, Manager, and Area or Plant manager) request to see a steward immediately. You have to put Postal management on notice or they will play I was unaware card on you and/or your steward. Do not be baited in to being the identified hostile individual. When you request your steward, put the supervisor/manager on notice you feel they are creating a hostile work environment.
at any given time APWU is involved with a number of drives or activities to improve work relations or supporting sister unions with their struggles. During the Stop Staples movement the Teachers Union was a great deal of help to Postal workers across the country by boycotting and picketing with postal workers. So if you are interested and getting involved with any drives or showing support you can contact me at 214 631- 3162 APWU Union Hall.
It is crucial as an employee to know your rights and to properly invoke those rights. Union jobs remain under attack due to the rights employees are contractually obligated. Do not let work to right laws undermine what is rightfully yours through blood, sweat and tears.
If APWU has your email on record you will see or receive updates weekly on local issues.
Marvin Bolds-Clerk Craft Director
(This article first appeared in the September/October 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)
To help injured employees return to suitable employment, the Postal Service may request medical progress reports. Form CA-17 is generally used for this purpose but is not required. Preexisting disabilities, workrelated or otherwise, are factored into job offers and therefore should be included.
These reports may be requested at reasonable intervals – generally every 30 days for employees with temporary medical restrictions unless otherwise indicated by the physician, and annually once disabilities are deemed permanent. An earlier request is permitted when a change in condition is suspected.
Employees should refrain from seeking ‘permanent’ declarations to avoid more frequent medical reporting. Employees with permanent disabilities may be subjected to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) vocational rehabilitation program, which rarely has a favorable outcome.
The USPS is permitted to contact the physician directly, but only in writing and only in reference to work limitations and possible job assignments. The employee and OWCP should be copied, and be sent a copy of the physician’s response upon receipt. Telephone contact and personal visits are not permitted for any reason except fraud investigations.
Claimants should forewarn physicians about these rules and request they be alerted when communications are received and consulted prior to responding. The doctor and office staff should also be advised that OWCP makes all claim and bill payment decisions and should be informed that USPS frequently oversteps its authority in an effort to sidestep Department of Labor privacy rules.
It is preferable for the employee to return to their bid provided they are able to perform the core essential duties of their position, with or without reasonable accommodations. When this is possible, their job is not considered a modified assignment. When this is not possible, the Postal Service must then make every effort to find medically suitable work within the employee’s work limitation tolerance with minimal disruption to the employee. (ELM 546.142 a. 1-4). This is a daily obligation (USPS must make every effort).
Job offers should identify whether the assignment is temporary or permanent, and must include a description of the duties, specify all physical requirements, and indicate any special workload demands or unusual working conditions, the job location, effective date of the position, date the employee must accept or refuse the offer and the position’s pay rate. Job offers may be made verbally but must be provided in writing within 2 business days. (ELM 545.32)
Employees are responsible to have their treating physician review any job offer to determine if they can perform the assignment. (ELM 545.33 b., c.). As a result, any mandate that requires an employee to accept or refuse a job offer immediately is a contract violation.
Refusals do not immediately put compensation benefits at risk. OWCP conducts suitability determinations on all refused offers, but not on offers accepted under duress. If an employee is already collecting wage loss benefits, they will continue to do so during the process. However, if an employee has been working and is sent home in response to a refusal, a recurrence claim (CA2a) should be filed for “employer withdrawal of medically suitable work”, a claim for continuation of pay, or if ineligible, wage loss compensation (CA7) should also be filed, and a grievance should be initiated.
OWCP grants 30 days by letter for claimants to explain and document why an offer is unsuitable. Do not miss the deadline. Upon receipt, OWCP makes a final determination. If considered suitable and the employee fails to report to a temporary assignment, compensation is suspended until the offer no longer exists. To reinstate compensation, notify the USPS in writing of your willingness to now accept that specific offer. Failure to respond or an unfavorable response should be communicated to OWCP and benefits should be reinstated. When the offer is permanent, compensation benefits are permanently terminated.
The Pandemic of COVlDl9
We are struggling with the aggressive nature of the Pandemic in the workforce while dealing with the safety of protecting ourselves and family members the best we can.
We are essential worker, and the Postal Service is something that the public can't go without, our safety comes first. Hence, we encourage you to continue to use all safety precautions that prevent the spread of COVID 19 virus in the workplace and at home. You hear the echoes throughout Washington D.C. as we wrap up this Presidential election and the importance of people receiving and returning their ballots.
We face many challenges like all other Americans, which is just a reminder to keep you alert. We can never be too safe, so continue to do the extra things you wouldn’t normally do to make it work, like keeping your 6 feet distances, mask$, washing hands, sanitizers, and wiping down surfaces around you.
Stay informed with the literature that APWU provides you in fliers you need it during this Pandemic. Visit the websites at www.apwu.ora or our local at and look at the Union bulletin boards in your installation.
Residual vacancies; concerning PTF s, PSE's and transfers
The MOU states that residual duty assignments will be filled in the following order:
1. Assign existing unencumbered clerks in the same installation pursuant to Article 37.4;
2. Employees with Clerk Craft retreat rights pursuant to Article 12.5.C.5.a (5) or Article 12.5C.b (6);
3. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5-C(5), who request a transfer from an installation within the District or a 100 mile geographic radius through the eReassign Clerk Craft 21-Day Posting;
4. Conversion of part-time flexible (PTF) Clerk Craft employees in the same installation pursuant to
Article 37.5;
5. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5.C5, who request a voluntary transfer from an installation beyond the District or 100 mile geographic radius through regular eReassign;
6. Residual vacancies that remain after item 5 above will be filled by the: a) conversion of Postal Support Employees (PSEs) within the same installation; or, b) acceptance and placement of voluntary reassignment (transfer) requests pending in eReassign from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum qualifications (including full and part-time Clerk Craft employees) or reassignment of bargaining unit employees within the installation. Employees from other APWU crafts in an impacted installation will receive priority consideration. lf there are insufficient requests from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum requirements, non-bargaining unit employees may be reassigned to a full-time regular opportunity.
Reassignment requests will be made with normal considerations contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, Re: Transfers, based on the order the applications are received. The number of career reassignments allowed under this paragraph is limited to one in every four full-time opportunities filled in offices of 100 or more work-years and one in every six full-time opportunities filled in offices of less than l00 work years. At least three or five as applicable, of full-time opportunities will be filled by conversion of PSEs to full-time-regular career status based on their relative standing in the same installation as the fulltime opportunities. Such conversions will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee or employer rejects the offer/request.
7. Conversion of Clerk Craft PSEs to career status who express a preference from an installation within a 50 mile geographic radius; The PSE with the highest installation standing within the 50 miles will be selected.
Conversion of PSEs to career will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee/employer rejects the offer/request.
Filling PTF Assignments
When there is a demonstrated need to create and/or fill PTF assignments, such assignments will be filled
in the following order:
1. Conversion of Clerk Craft PSEs within the installation by relative standing no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered tor transfer, the date the employee/employer rejects the offer/request:
2. Transfer through regular eReassign of PTF Clerk Craft employees by seniority within a 50 mile radius of the installation with the vacancy;
Offer to PSEs working in an installation within a 50 mile radius of the installation with the vacancy. The PSE with the highest installation standing within the 50 miles will be selected. Conversion of PSEs to career will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee/employer reject the offer/request.
All residual vacancies will be made available through eReassign for a period of twenty-one (21) days. The results of this posting will be determined by the application of items 3 - 6 above.
When converting PSEs to residual Function 4 duty assignments with window duty requirements, the conversion to career will be deferred, if necessary, until.
Please see the November 1, 2020 posting for regular eReassign. There are 486 full-time/NTFT positions posted. This posting is required per Steps 5, 6.a and 6.b of the MOU on filling Clerk Craft residuals now found beginning on page 374 of the 2018 CBA. Paragraph C of the same MOU also requires this monthly 21 day posting:
5. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5.C.5, who request a voluntary transfer from an installation beyond the District or 100 mile geographic radius through regular eReassign;
6. Residual vacancies that remain after Item 5 above will be filled by the:
a) conversion of Postal Support Employees (PSEs) within the same installation; or,
b) acceptance and placement of voluntary reassignment (transfer) requests pending in eReassign from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum qualifications (including full and part-time Clerk Craft employees) or reassignment of bargaining unit employees within the installation. Employees from other APWU crafts in an impacted installation will receive priority consideration.
C. All residual vacancies will be made available through eReassign for a period of twenty-one (21) days. The results of this posting will be determined by the application of items 3 - 6 above.
There are also 484 PTF vacancies posted. These are posted and filled based on the language in Paragraph B of the MOU, the agreed upon PTF clarification, and the 4/8/20 Q&A.
(This article first appeared in the September/October 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)
To help injured employees return to suitable employment, the Postal Service may request medical progress reports. Form CA-17 is generally used for this purpose but is not required. Preexisting disabilities, workrelated or otherwise, are factored into job offers and therefore should be included.
These reports may be requested at reasonable intervals – generally every 30 days for employees with temporary medical restrictions unless otherwise indicated by the physician, and annually once disabilities are deemed permanent. An earlier request is permitted when a change in condition is suspected.
Employees should refrain from seeking ‘permanent’ declarations to avoid more frequent medical reporting. Employees with permanent disabilities may be subjected to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) vocational rehabilitation program, which rarely has a favorable outcome.
The USPS is permitted to contact the physician directly, but only in writing and only in reference to work limitations and possible job assignments. The employee and OWCP should be copied, and be sent a copy of the physician’s response upon receipt. Telephone contact and personal visits are not permitted for any reason except fraud investigations.
Claimants should forewarn physicians about these rules and request they be alerted when communications are received and consulted prior to responding. The doctor and office staff should also be advised that OWCP makes all claim and bill payment decisions and should be informed that USPS frequently oversteps its authority in an effort to sidestep Department of Labor privacy rules.
It is preferable for the employee to return to their bid provided they are able to perform the core essential duties of their position, with or without reasonable accommodations. When this is possible, their job is not considered a modified assignment. When this is not possible, the Postal Service must then make every effort to find medically suitable work within the employee’s work limitation tolerance with minimal disruption to the employee. (ELM 546.142 a. 1-4). This is a daily obligation (USPS must make every effort).
Job offers should identify whether the assignment is temporary or permanent, and must include a description of the duties, specify all physical requirements, and indicate any special workload demands or unusual working conditions, the job location, effective date of the position, date the employee must accept or refuse the offer and the position’s pay rate. Job offers may be made verbally but must be provided in writing within 2 business days. (ELM 545.32)
Employees are responsible to have their treating physician review any job offer to determine if they can perform the assignment. (ELM 545.33 b., c.). As a result, any mandate that requires an employee to accept or refuse a job offer immediately is a contract violation.
Refusals do not immediately put compensation benefits at risk. OWCP conducts suitability determinations on all refused offers, but not on offers accepted under duress. If an employee is already collecting wage loss benefits, they will continue to do so during the process. However, if an employee has been working and is sent home in response to a refusal, a recurrence claim (CA2a) should be filed for “employer withdrawal of medically suitable work”, a claim for continuation of pay, or if ineligible, wage loss compensation (CA7) should also be filed, and a grievance should be initiated.
OWCP grants 30 days by letter for claimants to explain and document why an offer is unsuitable. Do not miss the deadline. Upon receipt, OWCP makes a final determination. If considered suitable and the employee fails to report to a temporary assignment, compensation is suspended until the offer no longer exists. To reinstate compensation, notify the USPS in writing of your willingness to now accept that specific offer. Failure to respond or an unfavorable response should be communicated to OWCP and benefits should be reinstated. When the offer is permanent, compensation benefits are permanently terminated.
The Pandemic of COVlDl9
We are struggling with the aggressive nature of the Pandemic in the workforce while dealing with the safety of protecting ourselves and family members the best we can.
We are essential worker, and the Postal Service is something that the public can't go without, our safety comes first. Hence, we encourage you to continue to use all safety precautions that prevent the spread of COVID 19 virus in the workplace and at home. You hear the echoes throughout Washington D.C. as we wrap up this Presidential election and the importance of people receiving and returning their ballots.
We face many challenges like all other Americans, which is just a reminder to keep you alert. We can never be too safe, so continue to do the extra things you wouldn’t normally do to make it work, like keeping your 6 feet distances, mask$, washing hands, sanitizers, and wiping down surfaces around you.
Stay informed with the literature that APWU provides you in fliers you need it during this Pandemic. Visit the websites at www.apwu.ora or our local at and look at the Union bulletin boards in your installation.
Residual vacancies; concerning PTF s, PSE's and transfers
The MOU states that residual duty assignments will be filled in the following order:
1. Assign existing unencumbered clerks in the same installation pursuant to Article 37.4;
2. Employees with Clerk Craft retreat rights pursuant to Article 12.5.C.5.a (5) or Article 12.5C.b (6);
3. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5-C(5), who request a transfer from an installation within the District or a 100 mile geographic radius through the eReassign Clerk Craft 21-Day Posting;
4. Conversion of part-time flexible (PTF) Clerk Craft employees in the same installation pursuant to
Article 37.5;
5. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5.C5, who request a voluntary transfer from an installation beyond the District or 100 mile geographic radius through regular eReassign;
6. Residual vacancies that remain after item 5 above will be filled by the: a) conversion of Postal Support Employees (PSEs) within the same installation; or, b) acceptance and placement of voluntary reassignment (transfer) requests pending in eReassign from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum qualifications (including full and part-time Clerk Craft employees) or reassignment of bargaining unit employees within the installation. Employees from other APWU crafts in an impacted installation will receive priority consideration. lf there are insufficient requests from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum requirements, non-bargaining unit employees may be reassigned to a full-time regular opportunity.
Reassignment requests will be made with normal considerations contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, Re: Transfers, based on the order the applications are received. The number of career reassignments allowed under this paragraph is limited to one in every four full-time opportunities filled in offices of 100 or more work-years and one in every six full-time opportunities filled in offices of less than l00 work years. At least three or five as applicable, of full-time opportunities will be filled by conversion of PSEs to full-time-regular career status based on their relative standing in the same installation as the fulltime opportunities. Such conversions will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee or employer rejects the offer/request.
7. Conversion of Clerk Craft PSEs to career status who express a preference from an installation within a 50 mile geographic radius; The PSE with the highest installation standing within the 50 miles will be selected.
Conversion of PSEs to career will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee/employer rejects the offer/request.
Filling PTF Assignments
When there is a demonstrated need to create and/or fill PTF assignments, such assignments will be filled
in the following order:
1. Conversion of Clerk Craft PSEs within the installation by relative standing no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered tor transfer, the date the employee/employer rejects the offer/request:
2. Transfer through regular eReassign of PTF Clerk Craft employees by seniority within a 50 mile radius of the installation with the vacancy;
Offer to PSEs working in an installation within a 50 mile radius of the installation with the vacancy. The PSE with the highest installation standing within the 50 miles will be selected. Conversion of PSEs to career will take place no later than the first day of the third full pay period after either the close of the posting cycle or, when an employee is being considered for transfer, the date the employee/employer reject the offer/request.
All residual vacancies will be made available through eReassign for a period of twenty-one (21) days. The results of this posting will be determined by the application of items 3 - 6 above.
When converting PSEs to residual Function 4 duty assignments with window duty requirements, the conversion to career will be deferred, if necessary, until.
Please see the November 1, 2020 posting for regular eReassign. There are 486 full-time/NTFT positions posted. This posting is required per Steps 5, 6.a and 6.b of the MOU on filling Clerk Craft residuals now found beginning on page 374 of the 2018 CBA. Paragraph C of the same MOU also requires this monthly 21 day posting:
5. Reassignment of full-time regular Clerk Craft employees in an installation impacted by excessing, pursuant to Article 12.5.C.5, who request a voluntary transfer from an installation beyond the District or 100 mile geographic radius through regular eReassign;
6. Residual vacancies that remain after Item 5 above will be filled by the:
a) conversion of Postal Support Employees (PSEs) within the same installation; or,
b) acceptance and placement of voluntary reassignment (transfer) requests pending in eReassign from bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum qualifications (including full and part-time Clerk Craft employees) or reassignment of bargaining unit employees within the installation. Employees from other APWU crafts in an impacted installation will receive priority consideration.
C. All residual vacancies will be made available through eReassign for a period of twenty-one (21) days. The results of this posting will be determined by the application of items 3 - 6 above.
There are also 484 PTF vacancies posted. These are posted and filled based on the language in Paragraph B of the MOU, the agreed upon PTF clarification, and the 4/8/20 Q&A.